The Tale of Someone Else

A bit after I wrote yesterday’s post, someone else from the past called me. We spoke for 153 minutes,1 which was awesome, because I hadn’t spoken to her in months. She was one of the two girls Gordon and I ate lunch with in pt. 2 of 4 and was an unmentioned fourth party in pt. 3 of 4. I’ve known this girl for ages, but we hadn’t spoken in far too long. I don’t know if we grew apart because it was one of those things, or because there was awkwardness with her and another friend of mine, but I’m going to guess it’s because she graduated and moved to Alaska.

As soon as she realized I was in Seattle, we began thinking of ways to see each other. See, a roundtrip ticket to New Mexico costs more than $1000, but going to Washington costs far, far less.

To make a long story short, tomorrow night I’m going to get on a plane and fly to Alaska. I fully realize that this means I’m going to have to leave a job I haven’t yet started and possibly have to move back home as soon as I return, but who cares? I’m going to Duke in a few months anyway.

  1. 13 centigrade []


  1. I hope I am correct in my assumption that season one of the West Wing will remain in Seattle and not end up lost in Alaska or North Carolina.

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