You want a coke? Nah, i’m limiting my caloric intake. What are you, a woman? No, but i am thinner than you. Related posts: Why doesn’t the Suicide Hotline advertise that its phone number is 1-800-APE-TALK? Jack disease: Jack ages at 4x the normal rate. 1: I signed up for an improv class, but missed half the classes. My Twitter account is old enough to steal alcohol now! https://t. Tags# aside# tweet Previous Post The lameness of a game is directly proportionate to the number of dice involved. Next Post I wouldn't be able to finish my reading today if I were Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Leave a ReplyCancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Add Comment * Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.Post Comment Δ
I wanna see a putting the team back together montage, but it turns out that everyone but the main character have been hanging out the entire timeSeptember 22, 2022