My Current Best and Worst Case Scenarios

(continued from here)

Life doesn’t turn out the best-possible way you could imagine.  It also doesn’t turn out the worst way.  It’s usually something in between.

—Professor of Propaganda and Public Opinion Frank Thayer

Let’s be concrete.  Imagine that the past is locked in and you cannot change any of it.  Imagine you are who you are and, though you might be able to change a few things about yourself, you’ll generally be pretty much the same person.  (This should be an easy thought experiment.)  Now fast-forward your life.  Don’t imagine outlandish things like winning the lottery or being hit by a bread truck. (unless you’re into that sort of thing.)  But do imagine the best ways your goals could realistically play out and the worst ways.  Now what do you have?

If you’re exactly like me, this will be what you come up with:

The Best-Case Scenario

I continue at university.  I end up loving what I do and making worthwhile, original contributions.  I finish my microfiction compolation and get it published.  This allows me to work dually on two things I love.  Also: some sort of girlfriend or something.

The Worst-Case Scenario

I continue at university, but end up hating it.  I look for a job, but am unable to find one.  Five years from now I have an incomplete doctorate and no viable skills for life. Worse: I have no direction or motivation.  I join the peace corps, go somewhere, do something fun, come back and am in the same boat.  Again.  I never leave the crossroads of my life and so it never actually starts.  Oh, and instead of having a sort of girlfriend or something, I continue hurting all the people I love and end up alone and hating myself for it.

crap, that worst case scenario is scary.  And the worst thing is that it’s plausible.

One comment

  1. “I continue hurting all the people I love and end up alone and hating myself for it.”

    “Continue”? (fuck MLA!) Allow me to quote a non-sequitur.

    “Stop it or I’ll bury you alive in a box!” – Bob Newhart

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