I have this friend who has this advice blog, you see, but he doesn’t allow anonymous comments on it, so the many people wanting advice, but don’t want their ideas known end up going to some other blog. How should I go about telling my friend that anonymous comments would be handy, even if they are incredibly annoying.
Egging Bulls in London’
Dear Egging Bulls,
I’d say you buy him some brewskies to help smooth it over, then, when he’s least expecting it, you get all of your mutual friends to jump out of furniture (or out from behind furniture, whatever’s easier to arrange) and you have an intervention. For some added fun, you should all be anonymous (i.e. with disguises). Ha ha! He’s have to be an idiot not to get that pun!!
And what’s with the insinuating closing? It makes me feel like…
… wait, the friend was me right? Damn. Just buy me some brewskies.