In the interest of full disclosure, as I imagine this Web site encourages me to do, I’ve decided to reveal all funding and endorsements that might cloud my judgment when writing.
Here’s an example:
We all know I’m in the pocket of Big Pixel, but did you know I once had a fling with Big Oil? It didn’t end well and I had jock itch for a week afterward,1 but it could have changed the very makeup of this blog if you think about it. Can you imagine reading “An Oily Mind?” That said, you can always trust me to give excellent advice and commentary on Big Pixel. The fact that it’s the hand that feeds should not worry you in the slightest.
But there are many more things I should reveal before I go on. For instance, did you know that Skittles are the greatest candy on Earth? I say that knowing full-well2 that I’ll incur the wrath of my vegan fans for promoting something that has gelatin in it. But then again, I’m not beholden to the Vegan Lobby, no matter how strong a presence they are in our current political climate.3
Recently, I was accused by my opponents, you know who you are, that I have secret political-religious aims. Some of these opponents have pointed at the recent $164,000 “contribution” that the Centrists for Religious Whateverism have donated to my personal bank account. Allow me to disavow, in no unequivocal words, how much or how little this may or may not have influenced me. Furthermore, let me expound on how infantile this accusation seems, after all: I’ve dealt with it countless times in the past and if anyone is truly interested, they can just check my record.4
Thus, I am not beholden to any interests that will affect my ability to blog… oh, except for the fact that I donated $22 to the Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign and am a part of Unity08. But it’s not because I believe anything: I just want to derail the political process this year.
And now, for a completely not paid-for commercial, written in my own blog-writing style:
Plz bye mor Skittles™, they r de bmb!
- Full disclosure: I didn’t bother researching jock itch. It’s entirely possible that it’s a permanent ailment, not something you can cure within a week. But I wouldn’t know, I didn’t research it. In my defense, however, jock itch sounds like it can be cured in a week… possibly with a powder of some sort. [↩]
- Not just regular well [↩]
- Sorry Vegan lobby, I have failed you. Please give me more moneys. [↩]
- No one ever checks my record. [↩]
1: Looks like a 2-4 weeks is enough time to completely cure jock itch. So the week time frame would be enough to clear some symptoms.
2: Better than my empty-well
3: I like skittles.
4: Where is it?